EvettField is a specialist B2B advisory and consulting firm providing marketing strategy advice and marketing management implementation services for owners and leaders of mid-sized B2B organisations in Australia and New Zealand.

Our clients are typically family-owned and operated, multi-generational businesses, in the distribution and manufacturing sectors of the following industries:

  • Agriculture
  • Architecture
  • Building and Construction
  • Engineering
  • Mining
  • Merchandising


EvettField was founded by Michael Evett and Michael Field, who first worked together in a private-equity owned business services, document destruction and records management organisation. This led to a shared understanding and conviction about the potential for privately-owned B2B businesses to achieve market leadership and profitability through a strategic focus on top-line revenue growth.

For more than a decade, EvettField has successfully completed hundreds of market research, strategy development, and marketing management implementation projects. Clients include family-owned and operated, mid-sized, distribution, and manufacturing businesses in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

In 2023, Mike Evett scaled back his involvement in the day-to-day operations of the business to focus on consulting in general management, finance, and research projects.


EvettField is an active supporter and sponsor of various student prizes at Macquarie Business School. They are regular presenters at the Owner Managers Australia, and Brisbane based partner Michael Field is a sought-after industry awards judge.

With team members based in Brisbane, Melbourne, and Sydney, and an extended network across the country and globally, EvettField is well-positioned to serve their clients’ diverse needs, including access to the nationwide Approved Supplier Network, ensuring the highest standards of service and support.

EvettField is a HubSpot Solutions Partner, and is known for industry-leading updates through their Strategy Snapshots™ newsletter, including their proprietary Invisible Buying Committee™ framework.


EvettField is dedicated to fostering prosperity in the industrial centres, regional and rural communities of Australia and New Zealand. By partnering with EvettField, you gain access to industry-leading expertise tailored to meet the unique challenges of your industry sector.

EvettField’s recruitment strategy focuses on attracting high performance people from a wide variety of disciplines and life experiences. The key attributes of an EvettField team member are intellectual horsepower, intellectual curiosity, energy, integrity, and grit.

We have clearly defined guiding principles that acknowledge we are in service our clients, to help them achieve their business goals.


  • Experience and Expertise: We bring extensive B2B industry experience, an independent and unbiased perspective, and robust processes to your project.
  • Strategic Focus: Our focus is on building the marketing engine and associated competitive assets that are proven to generate top line revenue, margin and market share, ensuring your effort translates into tangible growth.
  • Critical Insights: We help you answer the most crucial question for every business owner or leader:


“What do you do differently or better than your competitors, that your customers care so deeply about, that they are prepared to pay a premium?”


EvettField leads the way in helping B2B businesses achieve sustainable growth and market leadership.

Discover how EvettField can transform your business strategy today.